Tuesday, January 25, 2011


italy has the greatest doors

what's behind them is usually really great too, maybe not in the third picture though, since there is a skull and crossbones on the door.

this week, besides the regular schedule, i'm crocheting a baby blanket for a girl at church who is due in may, maybe i'll post the final product later if it turns out (i've never made a blanket before).

yesterday, with my student, olga, we were reading the story of jesus and the samaritan woman at the well and i had to explain the term "living water", whoa. her english is very good but this concept is not an easy one for someone who hasn't grown up reading the bible, actually it's not easy for someone who has. i wish i had been recording her speaking as she began to understand the idea, it was such a beautiful explanation. just because of the language difference, there is always a new perspective i gain from these studies.

hope everyone has a great week, this is our last one living at the bible school!

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